SVR *0
Materials used to produce rubber is auxiliary latex (coagulum
latex, bowl latex, braid latex). These latexes are mixed with one
another according to a appropriate proportion to create quality
products. Specifications of this rubber include Po index,
impurities content, plasticity retention index, ash content,
volatile matter content, nitrogen content. Difference among
materials used to manufacture this rubber require a closer control
quality of grades from the latices (SVRL, CV) and a more meticulous
blend. Producing block rubber from auxiliary latices must be done
through a lot of steps: preliminary cleaning of materials, cutting
into small pieces, chopping into smaller pieces (reducing size),
This is a type of rubber produced from coagulum latex,
miscellaneous latex and through a skilful process, so the rubber is
tough. Therefore, this rubber is mixed with low-grade RSS,
CV*0 to manufacture very good products.
In addition, its possible to combine this rubber with grades
of latex to create GP (general purpose) products in order to meet
basic requirements of tyre production.