Our DR **0e: your compact mobile imaging system that makes bedside
and ICU imaging convenient and costeffective. Quickly maneuver it
down even narrow corridors, set it up right where you need it, and
give your patient a comfortable imaging experience. The powerful
X-ray generator and excellent Direct Radiography (DR) quality,
including MUSICA image processing, provide exceptional
cost-effectiveness and performance.
DR **0e Your compact mobile imaging system • Affordable and
easy-to-use X-ray solution • Comfortable imaging experience for
patient and operator • Short exposure times and fast assessment of
images after exposure • Outstanding image quality and dose
reduction potential • Seamless connectivity with PACS, HIS/RIS and
imagers • Wireless detector for improved flexibility and infection
control • Your path to Direct Radiography at your own pace.
Easy maneuverability for
challenging tasks
The mobile DR **0e is specially designed for the confined spaces
and hallways of hospitals and clinics. Easily maneuvered to
virtually any location, its small width makes it ideal for the
limited room in the ICU or around the patients bedside. A choice of
a fixed or rotating column offers outstanding handling flexibility
for every budget. So even the smallest healthcare facility can cope
with challenging imaging tasks.
Wireless mobility offers improved flexibility
The wireless capability of the DR **0e detector provides excellent
flexibility, improving your overall workflow. And wireless
detectors offer a more hygienic solution because no cable cleaning
is required making the DR **0e suitable for ICU, pediatrics and
neonatal areas.
Direct Radiography, on the
The DR **0e comes in analog and digital versions. The analog
version can handle a broad range of general radiography X-ray
studies using either Computed Radiography (CR) cassettes or film,
and offers you an affordable upgrade path to Direct Radiography
(DR) at your own pace. With the digital version, you can enjoy the
productivity benefits of DR, including a lower cost per exam.
Captured images can be validated immediately after exposure; should
a retake be required, it can be made straightaway. The efficient
image acquisition, preview and finishing permits a faster exam
time, with improved operator productivity and patient
Price is set at $*2,**0
We also have a refurbished one, price is set at $