We offer absolutely new type of electricity saving device - Energy
Saver and Energy Meter at once, which can be used with any kind of
electric appliances - heaters, air cons, cookers, boilers, heating
units etc, and gives *0% - *5% economy of electricity. It is not
working on the principle of power factor compensation.
The Energy Saver and Meter uses State Of The Art electrical
technology to monitor and improve the consumption of your home and
office electric appliances.
That technology optimizes the consumption of an electric appliance
through transformation of the normal electricity stream into pulse
electricity stream; roughly said, our device stops and starts the
electric power stream say milion times per second, and compensates
the "missing" periods through powerful set of capacitors.
The effect of the process is a real and immediate economy of
electricity in the range *0% - *5%, not depending of the type of
electric appliances - cooking appliances, boilers, air cons,
heating units, refrigerators, etc.
For example, if you use ***0 W heating unit, it will consume
between ***0 - ***0 W (your electricity meter will calculate ***0 -
***0 W).
The device can work both in **0 V and **0V , *0 - *0 Hz, and it is
applicable for any type of electric appliance up to ***0 W. It acts
also as a surge protector.
It has also LCD display where you can see the original consumption
of the electric appliance, while your domestic electricity meter
will calculate only the reduced consumption.