Pluse Oximeter with
Oxygen Saturation is a perc entage of
Oxyhemoglobin (HbO2) capacity,
compounded with oxygen, by all combinative
hemoglobin (Hb) capacity in blood. In
other words, it is consistency of
Oxyhemoglobin in blood. It is a very important
parameter for the Respiratory Circulation
System. Many respiratory diseases can
result in oxygen saturation being lowered
in human blood. Add itionally, the
following factors can reduce oxygen satu
ration: Auto matic regulation of organ
dysfunction cau sed by Ane sthesia,
Intensive Postoperative Trau ma, injuries
caused by some medical examinations. Tha t
situation might result in
light-headedness, asthenia, and vomiting.
The refore, it is very important to know
the oxygen satu ration of a patient so
that doctors can find problems in a timely
The fingertip pulse Oximeter features
small size, low power consumption,
convenient operation and portability. It
is only necessary for a patient to put one of
his fing ers into the fing ertip pho
toelectric sen sor for d iag nosis, and a di sp lay scre
will show oxygen saturation. It has been
proven in clinical experiments that it also
features high precision and