Intelligent:controlling by the
Simens PLC, with touch screen, the complex movements can be
precisely controlled,and the real-time monitoring,modifying the
current state and adjusting the parameter will be
Using the closed loop position
control,the accuracy is 0.1mm in automatic welding,the weldment
with high consistency.
With electro-hydraulic servo
valve control,and motion sensitive is rapid.
Intelligent control of welding
current constantly.
Two operationg modes:automatic
mode and manual, under normal circumstances,use the manual mode to
adjust, and auto mode to eeld.
Adjustable position:ready
position,welding position, upset bits, power bits,stop bits can be
freely adjusted.
Automatic flash warm-up: you can
choode the number of warm-up, beginning og warm-up position and
each incremental warm.
Programmable type thermal
regulation can be made up of preheat heat,flash heat and upset
Extended length,flash
speed,flash time,the amount of flash ,upset speed,the amount of
upset, the top forging force,upset current, clamping force ect
,all can be adjusted.