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Greetings. I am Mr Verick Odhiambo from Advilaw consultancy limited Kenya. We are a legal consultancy firm in Kenya and we are also sitting in the malaria control board of Kenya. In this respect the government of Kenya through ministry of health have charged us with the responsibility of recommending and engaging reliable companies that can supply 1,300,000( one million three hundred thousand) pieces of treated mosquito nets) through a closed tendering process.
Find the attached below draft of contract for your perusal.
Note draft contract is meant to guide on tendering process as well as technical specifications
Greetings. I am Mr Verick Odhiambo from Advilaw consultancy limited. We are a legal consultancy firm in Kenya sitting in the malaria control board of Kenya. We are charged with the responsibility of sourcing and engaging reliable companies that can supply treated mosquito nets to Kenya through a closed tendering process. The quantity required per month is 1,300,000( one million three hundred thousand) pieces of treated mosquito nets.
Find the attached below draft of contract for your perusal.
Note that the draft is meant to guide on the tendering process as well as technical specifications.
Thank you
Kind regards
Verick Odhiambo
Show quoted text
Quantity Required:200000 Cubic Meter
Quantity Required:6000 Piece
Quantity Required:2000000 Piece
Quantity Required:2000000 Piece
Quantity Required:4 Forty-Foot Container